Boring but important...

Feel free to contact us if you have any questions or need more information.
Boring but important - legal document

Legal Notice

The association Live for Good is a legally registered association with the state.

Whose headquarters is located at 6B Avenue de Villars, 75007 Paris, France.

Registered under association identification W751230688

With VAT number FR48813549391, SIRET number 81354939100015, and SIREN number 813549391

Représentée par Jean-Philippe COURTOIS en sa qualité de Président co-fondateur

Email address :

In accordance with the provisions of Law No. 2004-575 of June 21, 2004, on Confidence in the Digital Economy, the following information is provided to users of the Live for Good website regarding the identity of the various contributors involved in its creation and maintenance.

Site Publishing

The present site, accessible at the URL is edited by Banana Web.

Hébergement du site

The present site, accessible at the URL is hosted by the company INFOMANIAK.

Intellectual Property

The content of the site  is the property of the seller and its partners and is protected by French and international intellectual property laws.

Any total or partial reproduction of this content is strictly prohibited.

Any use or modification made without the prior written consent of Live for Good and Banana WEB may constitute an infringement.

Personal Data

Personal data is reserved for the exclusive use of the service provider and its employees.

Unless the client gives explicit consent, their personal data will not be used for advertising purposes.

The service provider will retain the collected data for a period of 5 years, covering the statute of limitations for contractual civil liability.

External Hyperlinks

Links from the site to external sites do not engage the responsibility of Live for Good, particularly regarding the content of these sites and technical risks.

Live for Good is not responsible for hyperlinks that may point to its site.
It prohibits the creation of such links without its prior written consent.


Users of the website are informed that during their visits to,  information related to their navigation on the site may be temporarily stored in memory or on their hard drive.
Users of the site acknowledge that they have been informed and accept this practice.

The configuration of the users' web browser software allows them to be informed of the presence of cookies and potentially refuse them according to the procedure described at the following address :


Privacy Policy

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